Christmas carbon savings for businesses and the workforce in 2020 | Pawprint- Your Eco Companion

2 min readNov 26, 2020

We’re rounding off the year with a roundup of the Christmas carbon savings that 2020 brings businesses and the workforce; glass half full, right?

An infographic showing the carbon footprint savings during Christmas 2020

Look, we know 2020 has been a shocker (not least because Pawprint is missing out on its first-ever in-person office Christmas party), but around this time we think it’s especially important to bring some good news to the table and celebrate the small wins:

  1. No ‘besties-with-your-Uber-driver’ taxi rides home after office Christmas parties means a big carbon saving; up to 11,600 tonnes of CO2e across the UK workforce.
  2. For every internal UK flight not taken this Christmas, businesses save between 60–130kg CO2e. So, even if only 10% of employees usually fly to join office festivities, this year we’re saving around 310,000 tonnes of CO2e.
  3. The carbon footprint of a Christmas tree that’s sent to landfill is 16kg CO2e ( Carbon Trust). Instead of buying a tree for no one (empty office, an all), businesses could donate money to tree planting projects. For £250, you can donate a quarter of an acre of woodland with The Woodland Trust, which would save around 50 tonnes of CO2e.
  4. 153 tonnes of CO2e would be saved if all UK employees drank a local beer/cider at their virtual office Christmas party, instead of an imported one.
  5. Last year, Brits splurged £2.4bn on outfits for the festive season, which they only wore a handful of times ( Hubbub). This year, no new office party outfits could save 142,000 tonnes of CO2e alone.

Originally published at on November 26, 2020.




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